You said Resoptimist?
You love your city and you’re onto #strasbourgmonamour in a flash? You like to spread the word about Strasbourg and all it offers – its values, its quality-of-life, its parks, its shops, its diversity and all its many attractions? Are you ready to recommend Strasbourg to future inhabitants, such as entrepreneurs, business people, students, talents, investors and creators? You’d like to use your job-skills, your expertise and your passion and share your intimate knowledge and vision of the city?
Bingo! Join the Resoptimist community with Strasbourg Europtimist!
The Resoptimist network is based on how real people experience the city and is one of the many tools used by Strasbourg Europtimist to boost the attractiveness of the city and its region, to help it go further, higher and stronger. The network is run by the Team Europtimist (the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg attractiveness centre) and is made up of a community of the city’s inhabitants, committed to raising its profile and influence. These are people who are ready to share all kinds of useful information and advice with anybody who wants to know more about the city.
Resoptimist is an experiment.
The network is driven by the involvement and motivation of each of its members. Its operation is ever-changing and loosely organised. It’s completely free to join and its aims are purely constructive and non-commercial.
10 good reasons for becoming a Resoptimist
Because you don’t get why anyone should think of living in any other city than Strasbourg…
Because sharing, information, advice and tips, questions and answers is part of your nature.
Because the cathedral, choucroute and storks image is all nice and cute, but there’s so much more to Strasbourg!
#toinfinityandbeyond :
Because you can take part, if you want, in think-tanks coming up with new ways of boosting the city’s profile and influence!
#beta :
Because you’re tempted by this experiment and what’s turned into a highly innovative service.
#networking :
Because you’ll be joining a recognised, disparate community of motivated, driven people, all of whom are talented in their field.
#strasbourgconfidential :
Because you’ll be the first to get told what’s going on to boost our attractiveness.
#strasbourggloireetbeauté :
Because joining the Resoptimists gets you a session with a professional photographer
#privilege :
Because you’ll be invited to take part in the Rencontres Resoptimist, where people get together to socialise and have lively discussions.
#alotofgifts :
Because you’ll get invitations to lots of cultural and social events… And a few surprises!
Resoptimist: what to do
1 – Apply to be a Resoptimist
You just have to fill in the form below, and it’ll be considered by the #TeamEuroptimist.
2 – Reply to an invitation
The Internet user chooses his or her contact person through a system of specific tags, and a mail will be sent to the chosen Resoptimist. If you’re unable to reply, no panic! You just have to tell the Team Europtimist and they’ll transfer your request to another Resoptimist.
3 – Receive your toolbox
- A communication kit with a mail signature and communication tools,
- A knowledge base for assembling ideas and giving Resoptimists all the information they need,
- Access to a closed Facebook group to put real-time questions to the Team Europtimist.
- A quarterly newsletter to introduce new Resoptimists and keep you up with the latest news and information on Strasbourg.
Keep calm & Resoptimist
- Everything is under control! We’ll make sure you get the most relevant questions, those that best match your profile.
- We are no great fans of spam, either! There won’t be tons of mails coming into your inbox from us.
- Internet users won’t have any of your personal contact details before you reply to them.
- If you think you’re getting asked too much, we’ll reduce the volume
- No business offers, no CVs. Resoptimist is not a platform but a network for human interchange. A social network in the real world.
- If you don’t know the answer to the Internet user’s question, no panic, Team Europtimist will take care of it!
We need you, you, you !